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Sunbit Estimate


The Sunbit Estimate “As Low As” API allows you to get a quick view into monthly payments with a simple API call. You can easily retrieve a monthly payment amount for one or more items in a single request.

Sunbit Estimate API

PUT https://api-sandbox.sunbit.com/purchase/api/v1/payment-estimation

Request Headers

Property Required Type Description
sunbit-key yes text Provided to you by Sunbit

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
timeZone America/Los_Angeles Timezone of the client.
location Store Id, or Store Name, or any other identifier of the location.
representative Representative Employee Id, or Representative Name, or any other identifier of the representative.

TimeZone, location, and representative request parameters are optional.


Array of objects containing the following fields:

Attribute Type Description
id text Client Id for the total amount.
totalAmount number Total amount of a purchase in USD.

In order to resolve timezone in a browser the following JS snippet can be used:

let timeZone = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;


The response will contain an array of objects with the following fields:

IMPORTANT: Returned payment estimation of ‘-1’ indicates that the amount sent was inapplicable for financing.
Attribute Type Description
id text The id that was provided for this estimation
monthlyAmount number The monthly payment of the loan
amountFinanced number The amount borrowed
downPayment number The required down payment; amount due at checkout
apr number The APR of the loan
downPaymentPercent number The percentage of the amount financed that will be required as down payment


Estimate monthly payment amount for one or more items in a single request.

curl "https://api-sandbox.sunbit.com/purchase/api/v1/payment-estimation?timeZone=America%2FLos_Angeles&location=los-angeles-medical-office"  -X PUT  -H "sunbit-key: YOUR_KEY"  --data-binary $'[{ "id":"123", "totalAmount":600},{ "id":"567", "totalAmount":1200},{ "id":"999", "totalAmount":12500}]'

The above command returns an array of payment plans consisting of monthly payment amount in USD, financed amount in USD, down payment amount in USD, and APR:

[  { 'id': '123', 'monthlyAmount': 46.56, 'amountFinanced': 480, 'downPayment': 120, 'apr': 28.99908327584324 },  { 'id': '567', 'monthlyAmount': 93.12, 'amountFinanced': 960, 'downPayment': 240, 'apr': 29.002176259712886 },  { 'id': '999', 'monthlyAmount': -1, 'amountFinanced': -1, 'downPayment': -1, 'apr': -1 },]


Error Code Message Description
403 Bad credentials Sunbit key or secret is not valid
422 LocationNotFound Location is required for multiple-vertical alliance
422 LocationNotFound Location not found for alliance
422 LocationNotFound Alliance vertical not found
500 Internal Server Error Something went wrong on Sunbit’s side