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Production Access
After the Demo environment is set up and tested, and your contract is signed, your team is ready to integrate with Sunbit’s Production environment. To get started, click on the “Request Production Access” button under the Keys tab in the Sunbit Developers Portal.
Clicking on the button will set off a set of activities and verifications on Sunbit’s side. Your team will receive an email when Production access is enabled. Once Production access is enabled, your team will be able to retrieve Production keys, update Production webhooks and update Production endpoints.
Retrieve Production Keys
Production keys will show up in the Sunbit Developers Portal under the Sandbox keys. You can use them to authenticate API requests in Production.
Update Production Webhooks
Production webhooks will show up in the Sunbit Developers Portal under the Webhook keys. You can configure and test a new URL to get notified at.
Update Production Endpoints
You can start using the Production host in all URL’s:
For example,
Instead of